The day Olivia was done with second grade, we made our annual pilgrimage to spend a day at the aquarium and beach.
Packed the car.
Buckled the kids.
Did you get the map?
No, I thought you had the map.
Do we have everything?
I don't know.
(Stop. Get out. Check. Yep, we have it all.)
About 30 min. from the aquarium, we stop in Havelock (I think). We need to use the bathroom.
That's when we realize, Ezren doesn't have any shoes.
Apparently we forgot something. At least we have Ezren, right?
Luckily, there is a Wal-Mart right across the street from where we stopped. So, we head over there and spend some money on water shoes for Ez.
Eventually, we make it to the aquarium.
The rays were awesome! Every other time we've gone to the aquarium, we were lucky to even get a finger on one of those slippery guys. But on this particular day, the rays were acting like cats. They would swim up close to the edge where your fingers were and would slow down and rub against your hand all the way down its back. So cool.
We also were able to pet horseshoe crabs.
They are creepy little creatures with ten legs and ten eyes (or so we were told). When you flip them over, they look like a spider.

At last we made it to the beach. Don't the kids look excited?

The kids rushed out and loved every minute! The waves were a bit strong, so the kids couldn't go out too far, but they loved sitting and waiting for a wave to come and knock them over.
You'd never know two years ago the kid screamed bloody murder at the sight of the ocean and wouldn't even get his toes wet.
Now look at him.

I'm not sure where the kids got the idea to bury themselves, but they did.
Afterward they looked like little sugar coated donuts.
Couldn't resist...
All-in-all it was a great day to visit the beach.