13 February 2010

Things to do in January when it's Cold Outside

You can create a jumping obstacle course while your mom scrubs the floor on her hands and knees . . .

You can try to sneak up on your mom . . .

You can dance with your brother on top of the dining room table . . .

You can build mini Lego sets that Oma sent in the mail (awesome!) . . .

You can play a game of Scrabble with your dad . . .

See the disheartened look on Chad's face?
Not coming up with any good words will do that to you.

Oooo, Dad, that's not a very good word . . .

I don't think we have very good letters either.
Maybe we should ask Mom for help.

See that first 36? 
That's where I stepped in and gave a nice "EQUIP" with the "q" placed on a triple letter square.
Oh yeah.
Later on they got the Z and lots of those nice four point tiles. 
This is not the final score.

The final score was 292 (kids) to 193 (Chad).
Good times!

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