19 September 2008


Last year we tried to grow carrots in the garden, and they only got about as big as one of the kids fingers! So, we left them in longer this year and voila! We have lots of big carrots. This particular type of carrot isn't supposed to get huge (I think it was actually called a "dwarf carrot".). But as you can see, some of them are quite fat!

Ez thought it was so much fun pulling them out of the ground! He's quite the helper too. We brought them inside and put them in the sink to wash the dirt off. Here he is drying the biggest carrot.

Look, it's all dry now!

A mom doesn't say, "No," when her son asks for an organic homegrown carrot snack!

How does it taste? Yummmmmmmmy!

11 September 2008

A Few Pics from Today

So today was Thursday which meant that it was just, "Me and you and Zelda-Roo and the Cats too!" at home today. I did my sewing in the morning, and after lunch Ez and I went upstairs to photo the new sewings to be put on my site. "Mommy, take my picture!" The kid loves to have his picture taken!

Here is he is giving a silly face.

I can just imagine when he is in middle school . . . our phone will be ringing off the hook with little, giggly girls calling! I mean, who can resist this boy?!

I love black and white pics and no one photos as well in b/w as Miss Zelda Roo! Sometimes when she lays just right, she looks like a Bat-dog. As you can see, she doesn't enjoy getting her picture taken as much as Ez does!