11 September 2008

A Few Pics from Today

So today was Thursday which meant that it was just, "Me and you and Zelda-Roo and the Cats too!" at home today. I did my sewing in the morning, and after lunch Ez and I went upstairs to photo the new sewings to be put on my site. "Mommy, take my picture!" The kid loves to have his picture taken!

Here is he is giving a silly face.

I can just imagine when he is in middle school . . . our phone will be ringing off the hook with little, giggly girls calling! I mean, who can resist this boy?!

I love black and white pics and no one photos as well in b/w as Miss Zelda Roo! Sometimes when she lays just right, she looks like a Bat-dog. As you can see, she doesn't enjoy getting her picture taken as much as Ez does!

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