21 August 2009

Completion of the Fourth Orbit

On August 5, 2009 at 2:53 pm (EDT), my sweet Ezzy completed his fourth orbit around our Sun. He knew his birth time A -because I remind him of it, and B - because I told him he couldn't play the Wii that day until he officially turned four...at 2:53. Let me tell you, he was on top of that clock all day. Asking anyone who could tell time if it was 2:53 yet.

After Wii playing was done and dinner made (he chose corndogs, macaroni and cheese, french fries -- perfect four-year-old food!), we had cake. This cake was delicious! Forget that I didn't put on a crumb coat - it all eats the same. Chocolate with buttercream frosting. Mmmmmm!

And for those of you who don't know/can't tell, it's in the shape of a Wii remote (aka: Wiimote).

Ez is a Wii addict, and so this year, most of his gifts were Wii related.

New controller...

New Nunchuck...

Some Mario related clothes...

I hope this fifth orbit is just as wonderful and special as the fourth!

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