14 October 2009

Sunday Biking

Sunday started as a wonderfully brisk autumn morning.
Cloudy, a little breeze, bit of a chill in the air.
We decided to go bike riding. 

The street we live on is too hilly for the kids to ride.  They aren't big bike riders and don't yet have the skills to manage the hills, so we generally pack up the bikes and drive somewhere a little flatter to help them gain confidence.  We like the high school parking lot, but a church is now occupying it on Sundays (complete with parking attendents).  The elementary school, too, was being used.  The lake is OK, but not the best location.  So, we settled on a street that will someday have houses built on it but for now is empty, quiet, and (best of all) relatively flat.

It's not all fun and games, this bike riding stuff.  I don't even remember why she was pouting.

A few minutes later, after riding around a bit, she's a girl with few cares in the world.  She practiced on the small hills (said they were "gigantic!") thoroughly enjoying herself.

Isaac has enough skills to start riding without training wheels but refuses to take them off.

See, the kid can stand up and ride . . .  why does he still have training wheels?

At one point, he came around the corner and got a training wheel stuck on the curb.  Check out the spinning back tire!

Ezren doesn't even want to try yet.  Sigh.  One day he will, but for now, he's content to chase the others and jump around.

This doesn't happen often, but the van window was begging me to take a photo of it.  How I got in the picture, I just don't know.

Chad and Zelda racing with Olivia . . .

My attempt at art . . .

And lastly, a nice shot of Chad . . .

. . . wearing Olivia's hoodie.

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