22 April 2010

Just Say It

I've been thinking about this post for a while and wasn't exactly sure how to put into words what I wanted to convey.

The song by John Mayer called Say (What You Need to Say) -- you know the one that's in all those sappy Hallmark commercials now -- this song has touched me.
More than any other artist, I relate to his music.  His lyrics reach me, and I seem to understand them.  This song, this line in particular.

"Better to say too much than never to say what you need to say."

How true that is!
Shouldn't we all be saying a lot more?
Shouldn't we be saying how we feel and what we mean instead of dancing around issues?
And I'm not talking major world issues like war and starvation and the environment.
I'm talking about the issues we all have with the ones we love, the people we want to have in our lives.

For instance, isn't it wonderful when you talk to an old friend with whom you haven't spoken in years?
It's as if you had never stopped talking. 
Like the gap in time between your conversations was suddenly nonexistent.
But it's also like walking into Wal-Mart.
I know whenever I go to that store (and I try my best not to because it sucks the life out of me), I may have a list in my head, or even on paper, but the moment I'm through the doors, *poof*, it's gone.
Plucked right from my head.
When you talk to that old friend, do you ever say how much you missed them?
How much your conversations in the past meant to you?
How much they, as a person, mean to you?
How glad you are to be in their life?  in their heart?
How much you hope the conversations never cease again?
Yeah, me either.
It's always the "Hi.  How are you?  How are the kids? job? home?  Me, I'm fine.  Same as always."
More talk about trivial things.

Maybe I'm a big sap.
I like to talk about feelings too much (been accused of that many, many times).
But shouldn't we all be talking about how we feel?
Talking about our love and admiration for each other?
We never know when our life or someone we love's life will be over.
Will we have said everything we need to say?
Isn't it better to say too much, than never to say what you need to say?

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