26 May 2010

Clearing Out

Chad went to San Diego a couple months back, and ever since then has been complaining about a clogginess in his ears. He had finally had enough about two weeks ago and saw a doctor who prescribed some meds for him.
They helped but the clogginess was still there.

So, the other day, Chad visited the pharmacy up the road and talked to the pharmacist.
He recommended trying the Neti Pot.
He came home with this crazy thing, and I was pretty skeptical as I had never heard of a Neti Pot.
Checking Youtube provided some hilarious videos.
OK.  You go right ahead and try this Chad.  I'll stand back and watch (and take pictures).

Crazy teapot looking thing, isn't it?!

You stick it in your nose and pour water through your sinuses.
It's supposed to clear everything out.

Cheeto kept walking back and forth watching Chad.

I felt a little bad because I was cracking up throughout the whole ordeal.
Taking pictures and laughing seems to make people self-conscious.
Chad kicked me out of the room.
But, in the end, all's well, and his ears are much less cloggy!

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