30 June 2010

For You, Pops

Have you seen Cake Pops?
Everything is more fun on a stick, but seriously, what could be better than cake on a stick?!

I decided that Father's Day would be an ideal time to try these out.
And I learned a few things.

Don't add too much frosting.  Otherwise it ends up tasting more like cookie dough (which is not necessarily a bad thing, just different) than cake.

The entire cake ball needs to be covered in the candy coating.  If it's not, the cake pops must stay frozen because the balls will fall of the sticks.

It takes quite a white to roll and coat 70 cake pops.  Even with little hands trying to help by eating it all.

Even though there were a few issues, these are still fun (especially for kids!) and they do taste really yummy!

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