21 June 2010


One afternoon last week was a very good afternoon.
No fighting or shouting from me for the kids to get something done.
I love how as the school year is winding down -- next Wed is the kids last day of their respective grades -- the teachers assign less homework.
That means Olivia has plenty of time to hang out and read.

And Isaac can do the extra math assignments his teacher gives.
Belive it or not, he loves them!
He gets so excited when Math Stars come home.
Each extra eight problem worksheet is supposed to supplement for a month, but Isaac finishes one of those a day -- in addition to his normal homework.
This year, he's completed the Math Stars through second grade.
Makes this math mom so proud!

Really, I'm just glad they both get to spend time doing what they enjoy.
And it doesn't hurt when it's quiet and peaceful!

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