02 July 2010

Three Nanny Goats Gruff

Isaac's class has been preparing for months to perform the play, The Three Nanny Goats Gruff.
He was very excited since he had a speaking part.
{See him in the front row, red shirt, waving?}

"He's big, he's mean, and he's hungry as a bear."

"After a while, Big Bertha Lee and Billy Goat began to cross the bridge."

After the play, we all went back to the classroom for an presentation and awards ceremony.
Let me just say, it was crowded!
First was a presentation that the kids put together using PowerPoint.
I volunteered a few times in the computer lab and the kids really do know how to use it.
The school purchased a more kid friendly version, but it basically has all the same things as real Power Point.

It says, "My favorite thing about 1st grade is that I love Ms. Echols and that we got to do The Three Nanny Goats Gruff!  I will love the play!"

The teacher and teacher's aids also created special awards that highlighted each child's special talent or gift.
Isaac was the Marvelous Mathematician.
{Yes, I had a really big smile when I heard that!}
His teacher said such nice things -- how he thinks about math in fun, new ways and is always excited to do math.

Isaac is now a Second Grader!

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