30 March 2010

She Did It!

My Olivia has done it.
She finished reading the ENTIRE Harry Potter series.

I can't even remember when she started . . . was it the beginning of the school year? 
Probably somewhere around there, at least.

We own the HP movies 1-4, and she wanted to watch them all of the time.
I finally had enough of the asking and told her she couldn't watch them anymore until she read the books.
Oh, boy!  She was a little mad at that.
BUT -- after reading #1 and #2, she was OK and really got into the groove.
In fact, she finished Prisoner of Azkaban during Christmas break.
And then she just kept reading and reading and reading.

I would go upstairs in the mornings to get the kids up for school only to find her already awake . . . with the light on . . . reading.
I also found out that she would do some reading after bedtime.
Sneaky girl.
She reminds me of a little girl I once knew who would stay up late reading The Bobsey Twins or Babysitter's Club.

Her reward for doing an absolutely amazing job reading through these books is that when the HP #7 (and subsequent #8) movie is released at the theater, we will go see it. 
Probably just us two.
You see, I've put the challenge to Isaac now.
He can't watch any HP movies until he reads the books.

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