29 March 2010

Sheep Shearing

This past weekend we went to watch sheep get sheared.

This couple opens their land to the local community to watch their sheep get a hair cut.

And boy did those sheep need a good cut!

One little guy had already been sheared by the time we arrived.  He was all alone and kept bleating for his friends.
Or, perhaps I'm just assuming that's what he was saying.
His name is Obama.

When we arrived, they were just putting a new one up on the stand.
His name was Biden.
I found out later that the owners got those two sheep just before the election in 2008.

A couple of other sheep were being held in a pen for their turn.
I liked their little jackets they were wearing and the kids liked petting them.

The owners had a really big dog (Great Pyrenese?) who was so gentle.
The kids really liked it (with so much fur, finding the gender was next to impossible without being too invasive!).

The owners called in a professional sheep shearer.
I thought she would be using an electric trimmer, like the one I use to cut the boys hair but designed for sheep.
She used actual shears.  Scissors.
It was impressive watching her work.
And Biden felt much better after the trim.

Look at all that wool just from one sheep!

I wish I knew how to knit.  I'd love to learn one of these days.
The owners teach classes on how to spin the fleece into yarn.
Interestingly, they had a sign posted that read, "Create a memento of your pets fur."
Hmmm . . . maybe I could take some of the cats' fur and make some yarn with it.
Christmas gifts for next year! Ha!

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