14 April 2010


It's finally time.
Time to get the garden ready for growing.
We have the seeds, the dirt, the desire.

While Chad was getting everything ready, Olivia and Ezren found a rolly poly. 

Then we got to the gardening.
Ezren helped a little.
Olivia helped a little more.
Isaac didn't help at all -- he stayed inside "designing more sets for Lego."

The sad looking tomatoes in this picture were planted and have since perked up (much to the surprise of everyone).

We've got a pretty good garden going so far this year:
Green Beans
Green and Red Peppers

We're also trying some canteloupe and watermellon and a few different herbs elsewhere.  Those aren't protected from the squirrels and rabbits though, so who knows how they will turn out.
Let's hope for perfect growing weather -- rain and sun!

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