13 April 2010

Yellow Gold

This has been a really bad year for pollen.

We moved here in March 2004 from Kansas.
I had always heard reports from the weather guys about "pollen count" and how it was up or down for whatever particular year.
We couldn't see pollen in Kansas, so I never gave it much thought.

So different it is here!
That first year we were a little bit concerned with the yellow stuff all over our car.
Someone at Chad's work finally told him what it was.
And every year in April we get a nice dusting of pollen.
This year seems to be particularly nasty.
The pollen is everywhere, coating everything.
Take a step in the grass, and you'll get a little poof of yellow all over your feet.
You can see the pollen covering the streets and sidewalks.
The air has a yellow haze to it.
And if you stop and pay attention, you can see the fine pollen particles flying though the air.
With the windows rolled up, I still have a dusting in my car.
Inside my car.  On the dashboard.  All over the clock.  The doors, the seats, everywhere.
I wiped it down once and then it was back again a few hours later.

Thank goodness it only lasts about two weeks and we're heading into the end of that time span.
And thank goodness no one in my family has allergies!

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