05 May 2010

Annual Strawberry Picking

Every year we venture out to the strawberry patch a few miles away.
It's one where you get to pick your own -- the best kind!

Well . . . I had been planning all week to go on Saturday.
All was going as planned except that everyone (including yours truly) was in a grouchy mood.
No one wanted to get ready.  No one wanted to listen.
But since it had been my plan to go, we were going.

Olivia was the first one done and went outside before the boys were even dressed.
When I walked outside to (finally) get into the van, I was greeted with this:

Boy, did I feel bad for being such a grouch.
Put in my place, off we went!

At the strawberry farm, they also have some chicken. 
The grown ones are kept separate from the chicks.
This rooster had it out for us and didn't like us hanging around his girls.

Yes, you're seeing correctly -- that is a green chick.

I'm not sure why he was green, but he was the only one.
Or she.  We didn't look.

We were assigned Row 27.

Slowly, the buckets filled up!

Grand total we brought home 12 lb. 5.6 oz. of strawberries.
We're still going to have to go back and get more.
A few weeks ago, we just finished using up the strawberries from last year.

They are so juicy and so sweet, not tart at all, even Tabitha wanted some!

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