14 May 2010


Two weekends ago, Olivia and Chad started an experiment.
It's called The Bouncing Egg.

•Get two eggs
•Place one in a glass of water (control)
•Place the other in a glass of vinegar
•Wait one week and see what happens

So, we of course waited two weeks.
I didn't get any pictures of the "before".
Here are the eggs after we took them out of the refrigerator (the instructions didn't say to put them in the fridge, but we decided that since they were eggs, it would be best to have them not smelling up the house).

The control egg cracked and oozed a little.

Olivia wrote down her observations in her science experiment notebook.
So scientific!

Olivia listened to Chad read the directions out loud.
We also discussed why the reaction occurred.
Olivia asks very good questions.  Like, "Where does vinegar come from?"
We had to look that up.  And instead of asking Google or Wikipedia, we kicked it old school by checking out the encyclopedic dictionary!

Check it out!
You can see the yolk when you hold it up to a light.
This is NOT a hardboiled egg -- if you turn the egg, the yolk moves too!
It has only be submerged in a glass of vinegar for two weeks.

More observations . . .

The last test was the bounce test.
Olivia dropped the egg (into a bowl . . . just in case), and it bounced!
We also dropped the control egg, but it just went splat.

This was a really cool experiment.
I had no idea vinegar would do this to egg shells (or other such materials).
It was a lot of fun, and all of the kids got quite a kick out it.
We're not sure what to do with the bouncy egg now -- it's still in our fridge!

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